Home Business NBM coughs MK5 million for lake conferences

NBM coughs MK5 million for lake conferences

Kasunda (third from left) poses with the receipients of the cheques


By Mc Donald Chapalapata, a Contributor

BLANTYRE-Listed National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc, a subsidiary of dual listed Press Corporation plc Monday gave out a total of MK5 million to three professional groups for their annual lake conferences this summer.

NBM gave the Institute of Internal Auditors Malawi (IIAM) MK2 million and MK1.5 million each to the Institute of Bankers Malawi (IOBM) and the Chartered Institute of Marketers (CIM) Malawi.

Presenting the cheques in Blantyre, NBM plc Head of Personal and Business Banking Oswin Kasunda said the bank’s sponsorship of the conferences is in appreciation of the professionally qualified Accountants, Marketers and Bankers which the Bank has hired over the years and the role they are playing to make NBM plc a very successful Bank.

“These young men and ladies have and continue to contribute a lot to the success of the bank and in turn to the success of the financial sector in the economy.

We have reliable professionals who uphold the highest ethical standards, are competent and skillful in the discharge of their respective duties, which they do with utmost integrity, among other admirable attributes.”

“Through them, the Bank is further assured of proper governance, risk management, sound systems among several skills, which enhances the quality and objectivity of its financial reporting and performance,” said Kasunda.

Board member for IIAM Rebecca Mtekateka thanked NBM plc for the donation saying it will go a long way in making this year’s lake conference a success.

“We will be having our conference from 22 to 25 August 2019 with the theme ‘Good Governance: Key to economic transformation and the donation we have received today from National Bank will help us to have a wonderful conference,” said Mtekateka.

IOBM Chief Executive Officer Lyness Nkungula also thanked NBM plc for the donation.

“We want to promise you that the sponsorship will be put to the intended use so that the conference accomplishes its intention, that is to advance the agenda of financial inclusion,” said Nkungula.

On his part, CIM President Golden Banda also thanked NBM plc for the donation towards their lake conference which will be held in Mangochi from 12 to 15 September 2019 whose theme is ‘Global Trade and Digital Marketing’.

“As CIM we are honoured to receive this donation from NBM plc to make our conference a success,” said Banda.