BLANTYRE-(MaraviPost)-The Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services has issued a warning statement to people living in Shire Valley that there will be a heatwave with minor effects in the area next five days.
The warning statement the department released on Monday October 24, 2022 indicates that the temperature in said area is expected to be very hot at the average of 40 and 42 degrees celsius.
The department has therefore, advised people to keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoid exposure to direct sunlight particularly between 12 noon and 3pm in the afternoon.
Meanwhile,to protect teachers and leaners from the heatwave, the Ministry of education is advising heads of education institutions in the Shire Valley and surrounding areas are to to follow the following new formulated measures which are strictly applicable in the next four days;
i. ensure that learners and teachers are encouraged to keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water;
ii. avoid exposure to direct sunshine;
iii. be flexible by allowing learners and teachers to dress in loose clothing that allows free flow of air;
iv. waive school timetable to allow learners and teachers to come early to school by 7:00am and knock off by 11:00am for both primary and secondary schools for the next four days.