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Meet Rwandan Calixte Nzamwita who stayed indoors for 55 years to ‘avoid’ women

Rwandan man has chosen to stay indoors for 55 years to avoid women. Calixte Nzamwita is 71

Rwandan man has chosen to stay indoors for 55 years to avoid women. Calixte Nzamwita is 71

KIGALI-(MaraviPost)-Calixte Nzamwita, a Rwandan man, claims that he has actively hidden from public view for 55 years to avoid engaging in conversations or having any contact with women.

In a mini-documentary published by Afrimax Media, an online TV outlet, Nzamwita, 71, decided to confine himself in his one-room house since he was a teenager. In fact, he got into his ‘hideout’ when he was 16 years old.

Nzamwita said that women are scary, and admitted to have gone for 55 years without having any physical contact with any woman.

“I locked myself inside my house so that I could keep women at a distance. I don’t want women around me because they make me really scared,” Nzamwita told Afrimax in an interview.

The old man has fenced his home with wood and sticks and simply “steps out once in a while,” he noted.

The young girl who lives near the man’s house said, “I have known him to stay inside the house since I was a kid.”

“It seems impossible to see him going out because he is really scared of women,” she added.

Nzamwita has been residing in a well-fenced one-room house for the past 55 years, using it as his kitchen, bedroom, and toilet.


Strangely, he accepts food from female neighbours despite avoiding physical contact with them.

“He doesn’t want us to come closer or talk to him when we try to help him. Instead, we toss things into his house, and then he comes and picks them up,” Nzamwita’s neighbour testified.

The neighbour added, “But he still takes what we offer from a distance, not letting any of us come close to him.”

Many believe that Nzamwita suffers from gynephobia, which is the fear of women. Previous bad experiences with women—such as mental or physical abuse, neglect, rape, physical assault, or sexual harassment—could have caused this phobia.

Watch full video here

Source: Afrimax Media/

Lloyd M’bwana
Lloyd M’bwana
I'm a Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resource (LUANAR)'s Environmental Science graduate (Malawi) and UK's ICM Journalism and Media studies scholar. Also University of Malawi (UNIMA) Library Science Scholar. I have been The Malawi Country Manager and duty editor for the Maravi Post since 2019. My duty editor’s job is to ensure that the news is covered properly, that it is delivered on time, and that it is created to the standards set out in the editorial guidelines of the Maravi Post.
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