The New Partnership for Africa’s Development-Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (NEPAD-IPPF) holds its 35th oversight committee meeting today 22 September 2022.
NEPAD-IPPF is a multi-donor special fund, hosted by the African Development Bank. Its mandate is to spur sustainable infrastructure development on the African continent through the preparation of bankable, investment-ready projects. It does this by providing grants and expertise to assist African countries, regional economic communities and specialized agencies in preparing viable and high-quality regional infrastructure projects in the energy, transport, information and communication technology sectors, as well as for transboundary water resources.
The oversight committee was set up at the establishment of the fund in 2002 to provide general policy direction, and ensure effective governance for the fund’s activities.
Discussions at this 35th oversight committee meeting will dwell on operational issues, the mid-year progress on the 2022 work program of the fund, and the technical assistance fund activities.
The meeting will focus especially on progress with the development of the NEPAD-IPPF Strategic Business Plan 2022-2026. It will provide a forum for follow-up on the recommendations and management improvement action plan from the 34th oversight committee meeting held from 3 to 4 March 2022.
Meeting participants will receive an update on the implementation of the NEPAD-IPPF Donor Outreach and Resource Mobilization Plan 2022–2026. They will also be presented with a NEPAD-IPPF knowledge product: the Infrastructure Financing Trends Report (2019-2020).
Source African Development Bank Group