ABUJA-(MaraviPost)-You will be amazed to know that prostitutes pay tithe, first fruit and make vows in churches. It is widely preached that if you give, you will receive. If you don’t give, your life will be tight.
You should lay up your treasure where there are no thieves because then you can never lose it. By doing so, windows will open and blessings will be poured down until there is no more need.
On this account, a young lady shared her experience with me. Jenifer is 23 years old and trades her body for a living.
She is a dedicated member of a popular church located around Chisco off Lekki – Epe highway.
This very church is well known for preaching to members to pay tithe and first fruit. It is an obligation that you pay your tithe every month and give all your earnings to the church in January as first fruit.
On the cross over night last year, she slept with two different men to earn Fifty thousand naira which she paid part of it to complete her vow for the year. She believes that by giving, she will never lack. Also that it will protect her from harm through the coming year.
If you make a good observations, you will notice that majority of the members of the new generation churches are women because they are easy to convince.
This is just the experience of one out of many who are giving ill gotten money to churches and pastors expecting to be blessed in return.
Is it possible that the tithe and first fruit of a prostitute will be accepted or is an abomination.
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