LILONGWE, (MaraviPost): On Wednesday Ambassador Steinar Egil Hagen and Minister of Health, Hon. Jappie Mhango MP, had a meeting to discuss the cooperation and the challenges that Malawi face in this sector.
The Minister expressed appreciation of the good cooperation between the two countries within the various areas such as support to the Health Services Joint Fund and the Research cooperation and he also appreciated the fact that Norway is a major contributor to the Global Fund and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
The Ambassador also informed the Minister of Norway’s new agreement with UNESCO on Comprehensive Sexuality Education and encouraged the Government to promote comprehensive school health programmes across the country.
The Minister emphasized the value of the good and mutual relationship between Norway and Malawi and shared his commitment of delivering quality health services for everybody in Malawi.
The Minister was also pleased to inform the Ambassador that he recently met the Norwegian Minister of Health, Bent Høie, at the UNGA.