Just like Peter, the late Bingu was also rejected by nearly two-thirds of Malawians in 2004. But he turned the rejection around with his powerful inaugral speech. With that epoch-making speech, people who voted for him (UDF-ers) started loathing him; those who voted against him embraced him.
That speech had everything, detail, clarity, hope et al. It emboldened the hope that was quickly becoming an endangered specie in Malawi.
But I must say Peter’s speech today was so flat it was uninspiring, if not boring. His delivery was also not inspiring. He seemed tired, disinterested. He even rushed through it, asking us to read it ourselves on the Internet. My foot!
And his mannerisms were disgusting, he was too shifty.
An inaugral speech sets the tone for the presidency. Peter should immediately hire a therapists to coach him on delivery and decorum. I know the presidency was forced on him; he was cool with the quiet as a university don.
But he is our president now and he is a good man; he can do it, he just have to put his heart to it.