PRETORIA-(MaraviPost)-Prophet Bushiri apologies to Prophet Passion Java. The seemingly short-lived public feud between Prophets Passion Java and Shepherd Bushiri has come to an end with Bushiri offering the olive branch to his colleague in evangelism.
In a brief video, Java revealed that Bushiri reached out to him and apologized for calling him a fake prophet and alleging that Java had hired criminals to assassinate him.
Their feud started when Java prophesied that Bushiri would die in December to which Bushiri rubbished the prophecy and labeled Java as a wayward attention seeker
However the pair have since buried the hatchet and are back to doing the Lord’s work.
When is Conman Bushiri, the Papa of Lies and Scams going to apologise, repent and seek forgiveness for his $100 Billion AFRICCI fund scam ? Lets pray and hope he gets a very long prison sentence for fraud and money laundering very soon.