Promotional strategy is a certain sequence and frequency of placement of advertising materials on the selected media (TV, press, internet, etc.). There is no universal promotion strategy that will work out in all the cases. The choice of the strategy for a competitive product depends on the communication objectives and the strategic objectives of the campaign. In each case, it is formed on the basis of its own separate strategy that can combine multiple universal strategies.
In this article, we will discuss four types of strategies for the advertising campaign and describe the key principles for the selection period, the time and duration of the brand advertising.
Each type of product promotion strategy has its own characteristics, requires different resources to implement and solve a variety of product problems. Consider each promotion strategy in detail.
- Continuity
This strategy requires a high level of investment budget. It is used in a highly competitive market as a domination strategy. It allows the maximum increase of knowledge about the brand. It must be supported by a high level of availability and distribution of the advertised goods or services.
Recommendations for use
The strategy is used to promote major brands, brand-leaders that have reached the limit of growth in market share, with maximum values in knowledge, consumption and product loyalty in comparison to competitors. For these products, it is important to maintain its dominant position as long as possible and to create high barriers for new “players”.
The strategy is also recommended for the goods and services that are part of the buying cycle, and low involvement in the purchase (ie, a high probability of a switch).
- Intermittent promotion
Advertising strategy involves periodic advertising materials at regular intervals regardless of the time of year. This strategy is a modification of the consistent permanent promotion. It is also used to create the effect of dominance, but it requires low investment.
Initially, as the dominance strategy, we recommend you to choose the strategy of intermittent promotion with small time intervals of inactivity. This strategy allows you to optimize investments in advertising. The optimal time interval should comply with the maximum interval between the first and the second purchase of the good, taking into account the daily use of the service/product. In the case of increased competition, this strategy is gradually transformed into a consistent permanent promotion.
Recommendations for use
Advertising strategy pulse promotion is recommended in the following situations:
for brand development, brand leaders, as well as for brands ?2 and ?3 on the market that claim to leadership, but do not have the possibility of investing in advertising on an ongoing basis,
goods and services with high purchase frequency, as well as for products that need to constantly stimulate demand (it can be goods essentials – the use which the consumer may withdraw; it may be products with unformed culture of consumption – the use of which has not become a habit yet).
of the global educational campaigns to create a culture of consumption or product needs, as well as campaigns with complex information message.
- Seasonal promotions
Seasonal promotion is an intensive advertising through diverse materials during peak seasonal sales.
If you use seasonal promotion then you need to commence the campaign correctly. The consumer should already obtain the knowledge about the product before the sales spike and the intent to purchase has been formed. From the very beginning, the advertising campaign should ensure the rapid growth of knowledge about the product and services.
The advertising campaign should not start from the moment when the consumer starts to think about making a purchase (this information can be found on the basis of consumer research).
Recommendations for use
It is recommended for goods and services with the high seasonality of sales. It is used during peak or spike in sales. For example:
ice cream and beverages sales peak – Summer;
Peak sales of seeds and other items for the garden – late spring;
Peak sales of gift sets, gifts – New Year, Christmas, 4th of July, Thanksgiving;
Travel packages peak sales – summer, winter holidays,
Research paper writing service — during final exams and admission campaigns. Overall, is relevant all the year round.
- Flight promotion
Flight is a periodic advertising with a strong beginning of the campaign (high weight and frequency display), followed by a decrease in advertising activity.
This strategy is the most commonly used, as is suitable for all campaigns that are not market leaders. In addition, the flight strategy is recommended for the new products that just enter the market.
With the flight strategy, you can reach the intensity of the promotion of the major «players».
Select period for campaign
The period of the campaign is determined during the development of media planning and the strategy depends on three components: sales seasonality, consumer product cycle and the time interval between the decision to purchase and the actual purchase of the goods. Products with a high frequency of purchases require more frequent and constant advertising support to remind about the brand.
Good luck in your advertising endeavors and never give up! Hope our tips and examples helped you in making your final decision!