BLANTYRE-(MaraviPost)-Malawi Scotland Partnership (MaSP) conducted school forum meeting in Blantyre on Monday, February 14, 2023, aimed at updating schools on the school partnership guide, that governs the partnership between Scotland and Malawi.
MaSP exists to inspire coordinate and support civic links which Malawi has with Scotland.
The Forum brought together almost 20 schools with partners in Scotland in order to guide them on how best they can foster their relationships.
Southern Region Coordinator Ruth Maluwa said that School Partnership guide helps the schools in starting, developing and sustaining youth and school partnership.
“The partnership helps both schools students and teachers in improving knowledge and skills across curriculum areas. Students benefits on enhancing skills that are relevant in a global economy, improves the performance and engagement of underachieving learners,” said Maluwa.
She was quick to say that not only does the students benefit but also teachers, “The forum helps each other in developing confidence in the classroom and develops leadership skills, and also improves stimulation though refreshed content and resources among others”.