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HomeEntertainment15 Most Unbiased News Sources 2022

15 Most Unbiased News Sources 2022

By Josh Yang

In a world where politics have become increasingly polarized, it has become difficult to find unbiased news sources. Particularly in the United States.

So who is right? The media are free from state or corporate censorship and are they actually reporting the facts or are they trying? Here we’ve done the research for you.

Based on research conducted by J.J. Pryor He evaluates 102 news sites on the news bias chart, using an initial dataset from Ad Fontes Media and SEO tools named Ahrefs and Semrush.

Research Findings

  • The average reliability score in the sample is 34.5 (53.9%).
  • 34 news outlets are known to be very liberal.
  • There are 28 websites that are perceived to be significantly conservative.
  • A total of 40 news outlets were deemed impartial.
  • And if just somewhat, 63 percent of all journals are left-leaning. (Is this the origin of the trope “Liberal News Mainstream Media”?)
  • The total number of visits per person per month is 2.3.
  • In July, these 102 websites received 4.6 billion visits from Americans.
  • In July, an average of 16.5 million unique Americans viewed both of these websites.
  • (185 million), CNN (174 million), and the New York Times all had the most unique visitors (130million)
  • Fiscal Times, World Truth TV, and FreeSpeech TV were the least popular sites in July, with each receiving fewer than 100,000 unique American visitors.

???? denotes conservative-leaning blogs (bias score greater than +6)
???? is a collection of liberal-leaning blogs (lower than -6 on the bias)
???? is for unbiased, impartial news media (between -6 and +6).

Most Unbiased News Sources In 2022

Based on research findings, these are the most neutral news sources out there to rely on.

  1. ???? Associated Press
  2. ???? Reuters
  3. ????
  4. ???? ABC News
  5. ???? The Advocate
  6. ???? Bloomberg
  7. ???? National Public Radio
  8. ???? Wall Street Journal
  9. ???? The Hill
  10. ???? Financial Times
  11. ???? LA Times
  12. ???? PBS
  13. ???? Al Jazeera
  14. ???? CBS
  15. ???? Fortune

Associated Press

The AP is consistently featured on almost every list of unbiased news sources. So it makes sense to list the list here first.

The slogan included at the top of the AP on the main page is “promoting the power of facts”.

You will notice that the language in which the news is here – politically as well – very neutral and non-inflammatory.

AP journalists focus on reporting the facts by relying on reliable sources and corroborating or disproving allegations by sources through evidence.

Just this week, you can even find a story about all of the “fake news” readers might have seen on social media apps. The AP then confirms or debunks these claims with hard facts.

The Top Stories section of the AP website is an excellent place to get the latest news from around the world. There is also an interesting video section with news and a listen section that updates the AP radio broadcasts every hour.



Both media bias/fact check and AllSides report from Reuters as well as being less partisan in their reporting than the BBC.

It doesn’t take long to browse the Reuters website to see why this is the case. Article titles are refreshingly neutral and journalists are heavily fact-based reporting.

Despite that neutrality, Reuters journalism is not reluctant to proceed. You will find US-based stories out there that take a tough line against corruption, immoral politicians on both sides of the aisle, and well-rounded coverage of every issue.

Reuters is an excellent source of news on business and markets, politics and also technology and lifestyle topics.

There is also a TV link in the header where you can watch all of Reuters’ previous video news programs. Select the flag in the header to change Reuters coverage to your own region of the world.



While NPR news is often featured on most balanced news sources lists, it also has several allegations of being left-skewed than other reliable news sources on that list.

These allegations are usually made with a few NPR journalists who are the less savvy to keep their political leanings in the background. But most NPR journalists stick strongly to all of the basic principles of journalism, especially accountability.

NPR listeners and readers reaching out to NPR will find that journalists are excellent at responding to criticism. In many cases, they are even correct stories or trying to better balance the subjects on which they hear criticism or complaints from your audience.

NPR offers a tremendous variety of news content for your audience. You can find the categories on the website, such as Politics, Business, Technology, Science, Race, and Culture.

NPR also offers wonderful shows and podcasts, and even a music section focused on helping NPR audiences better appreciate existing, new, and alternative artists and music.

For the most part, when you discover NPR news stories – aside from the occasional left-wing comments or weird ones from some of the journalists – for the most part, you will find balanced and fact-based coverage out there.


CBS News

According to a 2014 Pew Research study, 40% of CBS News audiences are “left-wing” while only 20% are “right-leaning”. While this is often pointed out by political conservatives that CBS News has a left-leaning bias, the truth is that the rest of the CBS News audience is centred.

This means that the CBS news audience is much more politically balanced than many other news outlets.

Even when dealing with very controversial subjects, CBS News uses balanced and neutral language in its reporting. Article titles on the website are factual and reporting which includes context as well as opinions from all sides of any debate.

Other major network news channels like NBC or ABC are being accused of being more often spared from these accusations by the conservative, over inflammatory anti-right wing headlines, CBS News, more often goes.

In fact, the Gallup / Knight Foundation poll by CBS News was consistently far higher by the conservatives than CNN, MSNBC, and NBC News. The Liberals rated CBS News higher than CNN, USA Today, and even The Washington Post.


USA Today

In 2016, USA Today shared the largest circulation crown in the United States with the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. It is read around the world and is an important source of news for millions of people every day. The opinion pieces in USA Today are clearly labelled and present a variety of points of view (a refreshing change from the opinion pieces in some other publications).

AllSides gives the publication a centre rating, although it notes that there has been some disagreement. However, the fact that two blind surveys supported this rating adds weight. You may be used to seeing USA Today in front of your hotel room door, but if you’re looking for good news, check their site regularly.


PBS News

PBS News is one of the few media outlets that remains free from serious accusations of bias.

The stories here are both sides of every issue. When reading quotes from politicians or other key figures you will be reading, provided you with all of the important contexts. Context is an important part of balanced reporting, and PBS News does far better than most other media sources.

On PBS News, you will find news categories such as Politics, Health, World, Nation, Economy, and much more. It also features a Full Episodes section of all the news programs, a podcast section of most popular audio news podcasts, and a live link at the top of the page for watching the latest, ongoing news programs.

If you are a US-focused source of news that you can trust, stay fair and balanced in your reporting, you cannot go wrong with PBS News.


The Economist

Although AllSides claims that The Economist tends to lean to the left, it has a reputation for high-quality reporting. The publication “is seen as the enemy of privilege, pomposity and predictability.” (Although one has to wonder, if he considers himself the enemy of privilege and pomposity, why “Which MBA” and “Executive Education Navigator” feature prominently in navigation.)

Throughout its history, The Economist has championed issues on both sides of the political spectrum. Today, it tends to have a little more left. That said, they are not afraid to align themselves with the party they believe best supports their ideas, which focus on free trade and free markets.



Two media bias rating services, Media Bias / Fact Check and AllSides, both rank BBC News at the centre of coverage.

This means that for independent news readers, BBC news reporting stands as one of the best options. This may be due to the fact that the BBC is based in the UK so it remains unaffected by US political influence.

US coverage for the BBC is surprisingly balanced. Headings are factual and avoid hitting one side of the American political spectrum.

BBC also offers an extremely wide range of news and coverage, including world news, business, science, health, and even a “reality check” section that lists the fake news you might have seen on social media or on other news sites.


Christian Science Monitor

A surprising candidate on the list of unbiased news sources given the name, Christian Science Monitor. Both AllSides and Media Bias / Fact Check-List Christian Science Monitor as center-balanced and unbiased.

This news organization has built a reputation over the years for providing an extremely fair in-depth, exploration into the important issues in the world today. In contrast to the biased media out there, Christian Science Monitor works hard to bring in perspectives from all sides.

You will not find the article titles on this website that seek to defame or unjustly cover the cost of a political or another page. The stories delve into key subjects that the audience, providing full context and drawing in multiple sources to confirm all of the facts.

The content of the website is mixed in with both text and video news content. You will also find podcasts, photos of the week, and also a section devoted to reviews.


Most Popular News Sources in the US 2022

According to traffic estimates from Similarweb, the most visited news sources in the US in 2022 are;

  • PBS News
  • CBS News
  • NPR

Most Popular News Sources in the UK 2022

Here are the most popular news sources in the UK:

  • (41.22% UK traffic)
  • The Guardian (40.94% UK traffic)
  • BBC (9.43% UK traffic)

Most Popular News Sources in the Australia 2022

In 2022, these are the most popular news sources in Australia:

  • (91% Australian traffic)
  • (87% Australian traffic)
  • ABC News (86% Australian traffic)

Most Popular News Sources in the Canada 2022

These are some of the most popular news sources in Canada:

  • CTV News
  • CBC News
  • Daily Hive.

They all have a lot of Canadian traffic.

Most Popular News Sources in the India 2022

The most popular news sources in India are;

  • DD News
  • Zee News
  • The Times of India

Almost 3 out of 4 Indian people visit these websites.

Other Unbiased News Sources Worth Mentioning

There are some additional news organizations in the world today that deserve a mention. They were not included in the list above because sometimes these sites occasionally allow their authors’ biases to be published.

C-Span and Pew Research are not specifically news organizations. But they deserve to be mentioned as fantastic resources for learning the deeper truth behind today’s news.

  • Al Jazeera: Al Jazeera is based in Qatar. Qatar is quite different from America, where “freedom of the press” is sacrosanct. However, Al Jazeera remains unbiased and fact-based. It is surprising that many Americans prefer an Arabic news source over an American one. That is the reality of the world today.
  • C-Span: Watch government hearings and other events on your own, rather than relying on second-hand reports. Keep your TV tuned to C-Span. In fact, you will be surprised to find out how much those second-hand journalists will twist what was actually said in those hearings. So why rely on those faulty reports when you can see for yourself?
  • NPR: NPR would have landed on the top list of previous unbiased news sources, but their coverage sometimes leans too far to the left. However, in most cases, NPR’s information is as unbiased and objective as you could ask a US-based news organization.
  • Christian Science Monitor: Despite a name that would have you expect it to be a bastion of conservative news reports like The Blaze, CSMonitor is actually a refreshingly honest and unbiased news source. Here you will find stories attacking or supporting government policies from both sides of the aisle.
  • Pew Inquiry: Interested in Facts, and Facts Only? You can’t go wrong by checking Pew Research. Even during the heated election years, you will find that the polls, polls, and research conducted by this organization are accurate and truthful. It describes itself as a “nonpartisan data tank,” and that’s exactly what it is. Don’t get your data from Facebook. Search Pew Research for Accurate Data Top 5 Unbiased Fact-Checking Sites for Finding the Truth Top 5 Non-Biased Fact-Checking Sites for Finding the Truth This is the age of misinformation and fake news. Here are the best fact-checking websites so you can find the truth. Read more before you decide.

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When reading the following news sources, be highly cautious:

  1. ???? World Truth TV
  2. ???? National Enquirer
  3. ???? The Gateway Pundit
  4. ???? InfoWars
  5. ???? NewsPunch
  6. ???? Wonkette
  7. ???? WorldNetDaily
  8. ???? Twitchy
  9. ???? Palmer Report
  10. ???? PJ Media
  11. ???? Bipartisan Report
  12. ???? Occupy Democrats
  13. ???? Breitbart
  14. ???? Alternet
  15. ???? Conservative Review
  16. ???? The American Spectator
  17. ???? The Federalist
  18. ???? ShareBlue
  19. ???? Crooks and Liars
  20. ???? American Thinker
  21. ???? Daily Kos
  22. ???? Daily Caller

Most conservatively Fake News / biased news sources in 2022

  1. ???? InfoWars
  2. ???? American Thinker
  3. ???? NewsPunch
  4. ???? The Gateway Pundit
  5. ???? Conservative Review
  6. ???? Life News
  7. ???? The American Spectator
  8. ???? Daily Signal
  9. ???? The Federalist
  10. ???? WorldNetDaily

Most liberally biased news sources in 2022

  1. ???? Wonkette
  2. ???? Palmer Report
  3. ???? Occupy Democrats
  4. ???? ShareBlue
  5. ???? Truthout
  6. ???? Bipartisan Report
  7. ???? Crooks and Liars
  8. ???? Second Nexus
  9. ???? FreeSpeech TV
  10. ???? Daily Kos

Paywalled news sources

His finding revealed that 21 of the 102 outlets examined had some kind of paywall.

  1. Quartz
  2. Washington Times
  3. Foreign Policy
  4. Daily Wire
  5. The Economist
  6. The Atlantic
  7. Bloomberg
  8. Financial Times
  9. National Review
  10. The New Yorker
  11. LA Times
  12. Business Insider
  13. New Republic
  14. Wall Street Journal
  15. Talking Points Memo
  16. New York Times
  17. Vanity Fair
  18. Marketwatch
  19. The Nation
  20. Christian Science Monitor
  21. Washington Post

Surprisingly, the majority of the outlets mentioned above are regarded as impartial and trustworthy news outlets. It begs the question of whether paywalls restrict the dissemination of accurate information enough.

FAQs About Unbiased News Sources

What is the most unbiased news source in 2022?

To find reliable sources, I, therefore, invite you to favor:

  1. Associated Press
  2. Reuters
  3. The Advocate
  4. Financial Times
  5. PBS
  6. Wall Street Journal
  8. CBS
  9. The Hill
  10. Al Jazeera
  11. LA Times
  12. Bloomberg
  13. National Public Radio
  14. Fortune
  15. ABC News

What is unbiased news?

A source of information is said to be unbiased if it can be trusted. On the Internet, it is necessary to criticize the source of information because anyone can post online without a filter.

Who Decides What News Sources Are Unbiased?

Almost all major news outlets have a corporation behind them. In some countries, the state controls the media to push their own agenda. It is hard to find news sources that are unbiased on the internet or otherwise.
In fact, many survey and research companies routinely ask viewers/readers which networks they find trustworthy and which they feel are biased.

Are there any newspapers that don’t have a bias?

Most newspapers are biased one way or the other, but you can find accurate information in magazines and special-interest publications.

What are some other websites for getting news?

Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are some good examples of other websites for getting new. These sites may be biased and want you to hear their point of view.

How to Recognize Biased News Source?

Using the Gallup / Knight Foundation survey itself, it is easy to identify the least biased news sources. It is those who are the least upset, both the liberals and the conservatives. The news sources estimated those in the middle of the two lists represented the least amount of bias.

Why is that the case?

Because journalists who rely on facts and evidence are least likely to ask questions at a press conference (upsetting conservatives) or use objectionable terms in their reporting (upsetting liberals).

Most journalists have likely read The Elements of Journalism by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel at some point in their study of journalism. It is well known as a guide to good journalism. The Ethical Journalism Network further cooks up the principles from this book into five core principles of journalism.

What are the characteristics of the most unbiased news sources? According to EJN:

  • Truth-Oriented: This means not just gathering and verifying facts, but putting those facts into context. To do such a thing is hard, but not impossible. Presenting and analyzing the facts must be done by experts in that specific domain. Let’s take the gambling niche for example. For one to prove that he is a gambling expert he must not only present an online casino but analyze it, compare it, and offer users a complete database so that they may choose based on their needs.
  • Independence: Journalists need to avoid being influenced by sources in any way, including financial, personal power, or otherwise.
  • Fair and Impartial: The reporting should be on both sides of any problem and the context of the story should never be left out in order to manipulate the reader’s understanding of the subject.
  • To Serve Humanity: A commitment to using stories to impact the world in a positive way rather than harming it.
  • Responsible: Good journalists recognize and correct the mistake or unfair reporting of a problem.

How to verify the source of information?

True or Fake: the public audiovisual fact-checking and debunking platform. The decoders: made by Le Monde. The Decodex: created by Le Monde, is a search engine in which you can type the URL of the site on which the information was found in order to verify its veracity.

Is Google Biased Towards Particular News Sites?

According to a new study by Patrick Stox;

During Google Core Update cycles from 2015 to the present, the average traffic for the top news sources in each category has decreased.

  • Conservative total traffic decline: -2.65%
  • Liberal total traffic decline: ‑1.78%

These figures are actually very similar and not statistically significant, given that we’re looking at the traffic of 50 websites over a six-year span. The effect on both groups was nearly similar in the run-up to the 2016 election. If you look at the results from the previous year or so leading up to the 2020 election, you’ll see that the effect was nearly similar for both groups, with the most recent change appearing to be stronger for Conservative news websites.

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Maravi Post Reporter
Maravi Post Reporter
Op-Ed Columnists, Opinion contributors and one submissions are posted under this Author. In our By-lines we still give Credit to the right Author. However we stand by all reports posted by Maravi Post Reporter.
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