On behalf of the Malawi Association UK (MAUK) we would like to thank you for the financial, moral and material support during The Summer Party which was held at Kwacha House in London on the 7th day of September, 2013. Your support and presence made the event a success. However, to those who were unable to attend or support us that time, we still appreciate our valuable partnership with you and hope to work together in our future events.
As you may be aware, one of the aims of that Summer Party was to raise funds for the forthcoming MALAWIAN ACHIEVERS’ AWARD CEREMONY whose objective is to recognise and reward People who are making a positive difference to The Malawian Society in UK as well as showing a token of appreciation to People, Charities and Organisations from here in UK that are making a positive difference in Malawi.
Among those who sponsored and supported us during the Summer Party, special mention and profound thanks go to :
- Malawi High Commission and Staff Main sponsor
- Air Malawi (Mr S. Msamala) £200
- Just Trading in Scotland Boxes of Special Kilombero Rice (white and brown)
- World Cargo International (Mambo & Munya) Shipping Vouchers worth £1,000
- Kuluka Charity Media Campaign £20
- Mr Vupe Kunkwenzu Malawi Gin
- Parker for Events ( Edith Parker) Catering Equipment
- Don & Ulanda Nyondo Special Barbecue services(DJays Catering)
- MZIPA Institute of Technology £50
- 2 Ways Solutions Ltd. (Emily Sayiwala) Shipping Vouchers worth £1,00011
- Nyasa Times Newspaper Publicity
- Gertrude Chirambo Pledged £100.
- Maravi Post Newspaper Publicity and T- Shirts.
Last but not least we thank Mr John Tembo Jnr, The Deputy High Commissioner , for, among other things, selflessly using his personal car to drive some MAUK members to various places to buy extra items that were needed on the day.
Felix Banda
Secretary General , Malawi Association UK (MAUK)